How install microsoft word 2017 for mac
How install microsoft word 2017 for mac

how install microsoft word 2017 for mac
  1. How install microsoft word 2017 for mac for mac#
  2. How install microsoft word 2017 for mac license key#
  3. How install microsoft word 2017 for mac android#
  4. How install microsoft word 2017 for mac software#

It’s slightly disappointing that there’s no way to pick and choose which of the Microsoft Office 2016 tools you want to install - in your case, perhaps just Word, in our case, everything but Outlook - but that’s something that can hopefully be tweaked after installation. Let’s look at one thing, however: disk space required. If you’ve used the Mac for any length of time, you’re already familiar with this process. Once downloaded, the installer should pop right up and start: I found this download to move pretty quickly, but depending on connectivity, it might take you a few minutes to get the entire package. Sounds good! A click on “Install” and it’ll download the Office Installer: You can see that since I am already on a MacBook Pro, it’s default selected “Office 2016 for Mac” as the version to install. So impressive!īut let’s stay focused on the Mac side. Very nice improvement over the Mac license as completely separate from a Windows license. With this license, I get five installs, whether I want to use them on Macs, Windows systems, iPads, or my Windows Phone is up to me. This is a big deal, actually, because for the first time I can remember, Microsoft is using the same license for either platform. If you look closely, you’ll see that mine shows “PC/Mac Installs Used: 0”.

How install microsoft word 2017 for mac license key#

To get started with the download, you can log in to the Office 365 site after you’ve received your license key (either from Amazon,, or from purchasing a license at the local retail store).

how install microsoft word 2017 for mac

That’s my disclosure too, in case you’re wondering. We were lucky here at AskDaveTaylor in that Microsoft sent us along a license key for testing and review purposes. Unlike previous years when it was priced at almost $500 for the entire suite of programs, Microsoft’s apparently rethought its pricing strategy too and you can get everything for $150 in the Home & Student download edition through, for example,.

How install microsoft word 2017 for mac for mac#

The entire Microsoft Office 2016 suite for Mac includes Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Word and Outlook, though it sounds like you might only be looking for the word processor piece of that (Microsoft Word).

How install microsoft word 2017 for mac android#

In fact, it’s a cross-platform release and is new for Windows systems too, along with iPad, Android and Windows tablet support and a completely different way of working with OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage system (that competes with iCloud, Apple’s cloud storage system). You probably wouldn’t want to go through all this trouble just to keep using Microsoft Word 2011, but it’s a viable workaround if you really insist.įuture Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society.You’re correct that Microsoft has just released a completely new, completely redesigned version of its flagship product, Microsoft Office, for Mac systems. You can install previous Mac, or even Windows, operating systems on that second desktop to run 32-bit apps. PCMag recommends downloading Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion, which are programs that allow users to set up a window that essentially serves as a parallel desktop.

How install microsoft word 2017 for mac software#

If you for some reason need to keep using 32-bit apps, you can purchase software that will allow you to continue using older Mac operating systems alongside Catalina. However, newer versions may also be free on the manufacturer’s website or you can just find alternatives – for example, you might find Google Docs to be an adequate substitute for Word. In some cases, as with Word, you’ll have to buy the updated product.

how install microsoft word 2017 for mac

If you want to keep using those apps, it might be worth finding newer, 64-bit versions.

How install microsoft word 2017 for mac